A new chapter is written

Community Lives Matter – a new initiative to serve our community,

For over a century, Cottage Lane Mission has had a place in its community and served the needs of local residents in Ormskirk. The church’s commitment to being a resource to improve the lives of local people and in particular meet some of the needs of the most vulnerable in our community has led to a new initiative.

We realised that our experience within the community gave us insight into local needs and that our facility could be used much more to provide services for local residents. To be more effective in this, a group of church members have worked with others to establish Community Lives Matter, a local charity that exists to identify and meet needs of local people, particularly the most vulnerable.

Whilst open to addressing any area of need that can improve the lives of individuals and the well-being of our community, we are initially working in three main areas:

  • Support for older people, in particular addressing issues around isolation and loneliness
  • Support for those suffering with dementia and for their carers
  • Educational support for vulnerable young people and disadvantaged families

We look forward to serving you!

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