In the month of December, here at Community Lives Matter, we took it upon ourselves to not only continue to provide the wonderful services people know and love, but to add in a few fun Christmas extras for good measure!

Trips out, parties, bowling and sing along’s, meant that we were able to spread a little Christmas joy of our own and enjoy each other’s company at this time of year. Lots of fun was had by all, thanks to both the generosity of our ever giving volunteers, and trusts and organisations who helped to fund events. Our thanks also go to Ormskirk Rotary Club for their generosity.
As we say goodbye to 2022 and all that it entailed, we look forward to welcoming more people into Community Lives Matter in 2023.
January 16th has been officially named Blue Monday! As the third Monday in January, it has been awarded this gloomy name due to a combination of factors that leave us feeling less than jolly! The weather, likelihood of debt or hardship, time since the festivities of Christmas, the feeling of failing one’s New Year’s resolutions, and for me, the feeling of constant darkness!, all contribute to this title.
However…we hope to banish away Blue Monday with lots of fun activities for the community, to lift our spirits and provide a safe and warm place to come together and help each other.
So…an overview of what’s on in 2023…
Every Monday and Thursday between 10am – 2.30pm, CLM church hosts a warm winter cafe, in the Annexe, where you are welcome to come along, stay warm, and enjoy food and good company. This is run by the church and all are welcome.
Every Wednesday, we host our fabulous Luncheon Club from 12.30pm, where all are welcome to come along and join us for a 3 course meal for just £5. You will be made most welcome, can enjoy making new friends and have a good old natter, and the food is amazing too! Why not check out what’s on the menu this week on the luncheon club page?
Every Thursday, between 10 and 12, we host our dementia bowls group, an ever growing group of carers and those with dementia who get together to support one another and have some fun, and often some cake! Please see the dementia bowls page for more info.
Every Friday, we support asylum seekers and refugees at our drop-in sessions, between 2 and 5pm. If you are in need of support, or know of someone who can benefit from this help, please contact us, or come along one Friday afternoon.
On the last Friday of every month, we also host a dementia cafe, between 1 and 3pm. Our dementia café provides a safe and friendly environment for people with dementia and their carers who live in the local community, and offers an opportunity to meet and share experiences with other people who are in a similar situation, make new friends, access information and participate in fun activities.
Please come and join us, for dates and more info, see our dementia cafe page.