Without the incredible contribution of our brilliant volunteers, we would not be able to do any of what we do. But it’s also true that any work such as ours needs more than the goodwill of its volunteers to function.
We do not charge for our programmes and activities. but cover the costs through grants and donations from individuals or corporates. There are opportunities to work alongside us in fundraising, both in grant applications and running campaigns that promote our work and invite donations and we really (really!) appreciate all support in this.
Here are a couple of ideas – though you’ve no doubt got some great ideas of your own. And on this page you’ll find a few resources to help you, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any help.

Have a cake sale, hold a coffee morning, or organise another similar event – we can provide a roll-up banner or other information so you’re raising awareness at the same time as raising funds, win-win!

One of the best, simplest, most exciting and most recognised ways of raising money for a charity is through being sponsored in an event or challenge. You could run a marathon or other sporting event, eat only beans and rice for a week, do a parachute jump – the sky’s the limit (literally!). Here’s an example of publicity material we created for Lynn’s London marathon last year – we would happily help you create suitable materials to use on social media for your own campaign.
The easiest way to manage a fundraising campaign is through JustGiving – other online platforms such as CrowdFunder or give.net do exist, so if you would prefer to use a different platform, just get in touch and we’ll help you get set up. But whichever platform you use, please do let us know that you are running a campaign so we can support you on our own social media.

Here’s an example of a JustGiving campaign – Lynn’s London marathon again. (The campaign has finished, but you can see how it works from this.) justgiving.com/campaign/CLMLondon2021.
This button goes straight to the Community Lives Matter JustGiving donation page – you can also just point people who want to donate to this.
Finally, if you represent a business or other organisation that wants to sponsor our activities in some way, please get in touch. We recognise that support from businesses involves a certain amount of publicity in recognition of the contribution being made and would love to talk through with you what that might look like.
Thank you for your support! And remember, please do get in touch so we can support you in your fundraising 🙂