Here we are in November, and every year about this time I start to think…where does the time go…we’re all so busy rushing about doing day to day tasks, whilst also trying to make plans, trying to keep ourselves and our families healthy, and happy, that the time vanishes! Then, before you know it, we’re all preparing for Christmas time with all of the activity that involves.
Where did summer go we ask? Well at Community Lives Matter, we have had an equally busy few months. This year, during the summer, we had our annual afternoon tea, which was so well received, we had over 100 people joining us. We also hosted classic film afternoons, with refreshments, and even ice cream and sweets 🙂
Our Annual General Meeting was a great event supported by many local organisations and guest speaker Ashley Dalton MP. We were incredibly grateful for her kind words of support for all of the successes of 2022. It also provided a great opportunity for us to thank all of our wonderful volunteers, and present them with small tokens of our appreciation.
We have recruited a wonderful new chef called Janet, and are delighted to have her as part of our Luncheon Club team. Why not come along and join us to try out her menu, every Wednesday during term time at 12.30.