Our monthly cafe brings people with dementia and their carers together for a variety of interesting and innovative activities to stimulate, provide fun and generate discussion. Alongside this week’s new jigsaws, fantastic retro scrapbooks, table tennis and games, Carol arranged for Colin Bowman from the Lancashire Carers Service to come along and talk to the group about what the Carers Service is all about, and how they can benefit.

With one in six adults now providing unpaid care and often not recognising that they are carers, seeing themselves as ‘just’ spouses, parents, children or friends, etc., spreading the word about how the Lancashire Carers Service can help is crucial. Caring for someone can bring practical and emotional impacts, and the importance of carers looking after their own health and emotional and mental well being is often overlooked.

Carers’ Week is nearly upon us – just after the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations from 6th to 12th June. Its aim is to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges that unpaid carers face and recognise the considerable contribution they make to families and our communities. In short, to make carers ‘visible, valued and supported’.
For those at our dementia cafe, they were able to connect with the Lancashire Carers Service, and speak informally in familiar and friendly surroundings. Some had heard of and used some of the services, others were new to this information. Happily, many went away with arranged assessments (carer led discussions) and information about the other services available, such as the peace of mind for carers plans.

For further information or to request help yourself, visit the Lancashire Carers Service website at n-compass.org.uk/our-services/carers/the-lancashire-carers-service or contact them by phone on 03450 138 208.
Many thanks to Carol and to Colin for an informative and fun afternoon!