Supporting Community Lives Matter

As you well know, there is no such thing as a magic money tree… We do not charge for our services and are grateful to our wonderful volunteers who offer their time, energy and resources freely in order to bless the community around us.

So how do we do what we do? All the work we do at Community Lives Matter is financed from two main sources. Firstly, grant funding, and we are grateful to all the trusts and grant making bodies who have offered us finance for our different projects. Kudos to each one of you!

Beyond this, our finance comes from free-will donations from individuals or businesses who believe in what we do and choose to support our work.

We can now offer online giving through Stewardship UK. If you are a UK tax payer, they will add gift aid to your donation too! We are prioritising our project to provide tutoring for disadvantaged children – if you would like to give to this, please visit

If you would rather contribute to another project or to wherever the need is greatest at the time, please follow the link on the page above or visit

Thank you, we could not do any of this without your support!