
Older Couple

“Never think that a small group of committed people can’t change the world.

In fact, it is the only thing that ever has”

Margaret Mead
older couple

Legacies, also known as Gifts in Wills, enable people to continue to support causes that are important to them. Legacies are gifts of money, or assets left in a will by those who support what we do. If you are considering leaving a legacy to Community Lives Matter, we would like to thank you for your consideration and generosity.

Everyone who leaves a gift to Community Lives Matter is playing a part in our future, and every amount makes a difference. This income will allow us to better plan ahead, and will ensure that the provision of our services can continue and be extended to reach further people in need in our community.

Your legacy could:

  • Help us continue to provide our luncheon club, enabling people to meet together, make friendships and enjoy a fantastic three course lunch, who might otherwise be friendless and alone.
  • Support our work with those with dementia and their families / carers. We currently provide weekly sessions of indoor bowling, and a monthly dementia cafe.
  • Provide support for asylum seekers and refugees, both practical, and emotional.
  • Enable us to develop further services to improve the lives and wellbeing of people in our community.

Do I need a will?

Having a will and keeping it up-to-date helps ensure that your wishes will be respected and your assets benefit the people and causes which you really care about. It is recommended that you speak to a qualified professional such as a solicitor when making or amending your will. They will be able to advise you on the required wording to carry out your wishes.

Fountain pen writing

Many solicitors offer a free will writing service during Free Will Writing Month. This takes place twice a year– in March and October – to give anyone aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their will written or updated for free. Check if your solicitor participates in this initiative, or contact us for details of Ormskirk solicitors who we know offer this service. If you are comfortable doing this online, you might also consider using bequeathed who specialise in helping people “make your Will For Good” at any time of the year.

If you wish to leave a gift to Community Lives Matter in your will, all you need are our charity details below:

  • Community Lives Matter, Cottage Lane. Ormskirk L39 3NE.
  • Community Lives Matter is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation no : 1189401

Thank you for considering leaving Community Lives Matter a legacy in your will. To even consider doing so is very kind and on behalf of everyone at CLM, we really do appreciate it.