Easter at dementia bowls group

Indoor bowls

Last week, the bowls group for people with dementia, family and carers wasn’t just about the bowls, or the usual natter and catch-up that goes on. Easter came early as the usual tea, coffee and biscuits was replaced with some fantastic culinary creations and hot chocolate.

Some expert bakers brought delicious cakes, beautifully decorated, that impressed us all and seemed almost too good to eat! But those feelings didn’t last long as we munched our way through a good few – and they certainly were good! The cakes were served with hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, mini marshmallows and a chocolate flake. Superb – though a bit of a sugar rush too! Thankfully, no one’s bowling seemed too affected or energetic as a result!

If you have dementia or are caring for someone with dementia and would like to give indoor bowling a try, you would be very welcome to visit and see how you get on. The group meets every Thursday morning – do call in and see how you get on. You never know, you might discover a new skill!

The group enjoying a break from play with hot chocolate and Easter cakes

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